Brain liquefaction after stroke is toxic to surviving brain


Brain liquefaction after stroke is toxic to surviving brain

First published on ScienceDaily Scientists have known for years that the brain liquefies after a stroke. If cut off from blood and oxygen for a long enough period, a portion of the brain will die, slowly morphing from a hard, rubbery substance into liquid goop. Now,...

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Brain liquefaction after stroke is toxic to surviving brain

Stroke drug demonstrates safety in clinical trial

First published on ScienceDaily A preliminary Phase 2 clinical trial has demonstrated that patients with acute ischemic stroke, the most common type of stroke, can safely tolerate high doses of 3K3A-APC, a promising anti-stroke drug invented at The Scripps Research...

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Brain liquefaction after stroke is toxic to surviving brain

Short kids may have higher future stroke risk

First published on ScienceDaily Being a short kid is associated with increased risk of having a stroke in adulthood, according to Danish research published in Stroke, an American Heart Association journal. A prospective study examined data on more than 300,000 Danish...

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