Ischemic stroke risk linked to traumatic brain injury (TBI), independent of other factors
By: Emily Lunardo | Heart Health | Thursday, November 03, 2016 - 12:30 PM Ischemic stroke risk is linked to traumatic brain injury (TBI), independent of other factors. Lead study author James F. Burke explained, “Both stroke and traumatic brain injury are common,...

Eating one egg a day may lower risk of stroke
"An egg a day can cut chances of suffering a fatal stroke," The Times reports. A new review of existing data covering around 300,000 people suggests eating up to one egg a day may lower stroke risk; but not the risk of heart disease. The health effects of eggs have...

The terrorist inside my husband’s brain
Please read below a touching story "The terrorist inside my husband's brain" from Susan Schneider Williams, BFA, wife of late actor Robin Williams who took his own life as a result of a heavy struggle with a brain disease called Lewy body disease (LBD). This story was...

Self management in stroke at WSO Congress in Hyderabad, India
President and vice president of SAFE co-chairing self management in stroke session at WSO Congress in Hyderabad, India. Three examples of studies and digital programs were presented at an early morning lecture session on "Stroke support organisations and Self...

WSO pilot Stroke Advocacy Training Program held in Hyderabad, India
The pilot Stroke Advocacy Training Program was held in Hyderabad, India on Tuesday 25th October 2016, organised by WSO. There are many things that individuals can do to reduce their stroke risk and maximize their recovery from stroke. Public Awareness campaigns are...