Long work hours associated with increased risk of stroke


Long work hours associated with increased risk of stroke

First published on ScienceDaily.com Working long hours for 10 years or more may be associated with stroke. People under age 50 had a higher risk of stroke when working long hours for a decade or more. People who worked long hours had a higher risk of stroke,...

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Should obesity be treated as any other disease?

Should obesity be treated as any other disease?

"European Obesity Day celebrated every May, brings people together to raise awareness and increase knowledge about obesity and the many other diseases on which it impacts. The aim is to get coordinated action to improve the prevention and treatment of obesity and...

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How do I cope with epilepsy after stroke?

How do I cope with epilepsy after stroke?

Written by Tom Balchin | First published on https://arni.uk.com Stroke is one of many conditions that can lead to seizures, or epilepsy. You may think of these as ‘having fits’. In the UK this condition affects just under 1% of the population. Around 5% of people who...

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