Nov 15, 2018
Why is stroke so difficult to prevent even when we know which risk factors are responsible for around 90% of strokes? SAFE had a conversation about it with Dr Edo Richard, neurologist at the Radboud University medical center in Nijmegen, Netherlands. Dr Richard was the Chair of the 1st Domain Working Group – The Primary Prevention, within the Stroke Action Plan for Europe 2018-2030.
Nov 15, 2018
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Exposure to environmental noise appears to increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes by fueling the activity of a brain region involved in stress response. This response in turn promotes blood vessel inflammation, according to preliminary research to be presented in Chicago at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2018, a premier global exchange of the latest advances in cardiovascular science for researchers and clinicians.
The findings reveal that people with the highest levels of chronic noise exposure — such as highway and airport noise — had an increased risk of suffering cardiovascular events such as heart attacks and strokes, regardless of other risk factors known to increase cardiovascular risk.
The results of the study offer much-needed insight into the biological mechanisms of the well-known, but poorly understood, interplay between cardiovascular disease and chronic noise exposure, researchers said.
“A growing body of research reveals an association between ambient noise and cardiovascular disease, but the physiological mechanisms behind it have remained unclear,” said study author Azar Radfar, M.D., Ph.D., a research fellow at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. “We believe our findings offer an important insight into the biology behind this phenomenon.”
Researchers analyzed the association between noise exposure and major cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks and strokes, among 499 people (average age 56 years), who had simultaneous PET and CT scan imaging of their brains and blood vessels. Diagnostic validation was done in a subset of 281 subjects.
All participants were free of cardiovascular illness and cancer at baseline. Using those images, the scientists assessed the activity of the amygdala — an area of the brain involved in stress regulation and emotional responses, among other functions. To capture cardiovascular risk, the researchers examined the participants’ medical records following the initial imaging studies. Of the 499 participants, 40 experienced a cardiovascular event (e.g., heart attack or stroke) in the five years following the initial testing.
To gauge noise exposure, the researchers used participants’ home addresses and derived noise level estimates from the Department of Transportation’s Aviation and Highway Noise Map.
People with the highest levels of noise exposure had higher levels of amygdalar activity and more inflammation in their arteries. Notably, these people also had a greater than three-fold risk of suffering a heart attack or a stroke and other major cardiovascular events, compared with people who had lower levels of noise exposure. That risk remained elevated even after the researchers accounted for other cardiovascular and environmental risk factors, including air pollution, high cholesterol, smoking and diabetes.
Additional analysis revealed that high levels of amygdalar activity appears to unleash a pathway that fuels cardiac risk by driving blood vessel inflammation, a well-known risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
The researchers caution that more research is needed to determine whether reduction in noise exposure could meaningfully lower cardiovascular risk and reduce the number of cardiovascular events on a population-wide scale.
In the meantime, however, the new study findings should propel clinicians to consider chronic exposure to high levels of ambient noise as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
“Patients and their physicians should consider chronic noise exposure when assessing cardiovascular risk and may wish to take steps to minimize or mitigate such chronic exposure,” Radfar said.
Story Source:American Heart Association. “Chronic exposure to excess noise may increase risk for heart disease, stroke.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 5 November 2018. <>.
Nov 14, 2018
For a substantial part of my professional career I have worked in the field of digital communication and services. I not only appreciate the value that digital tools can bring to the health care sector from a professional stand point but from a personal one too. Several years ago, my former wife suffered a serious stroke which resulted in her having a severe form of aphasia; her ability to both speak and understand language verbally or in writing was impaired. We found that an iPad could offer many digital solutions for her and she made intensive use of it to help communicate with us.
When I heard that SAFE was exploring a digital way to share knowledge in an innovative way, I was very pleased and naturally wanted to cooperate. Initially, I became involved with the SSOFT Champion Group which consisted of stroke survivors and other members of SSOs from across Europe. We looked at designs, listen to voiceover artists and fed back our input directly back to the design team. I decided then to also become part of the User Acceptance Testing Group, and I testing the first few modules very intensively due to my experience with digital applications. Thanks to testing work carried out by the various volunteers, the project team was able to make great strides forwards. Every subsequent module developed became better and better.
SSOFT is a fully-fledged eLearning tool that covers the many aspects that play a role in the support and advocacy of people with a stroke. The modules make optimal use of text, images and video to share more knowledge; making it very pleasant to use.
SSOFT has great potential to expand, I hope that the tool will never be truly “finished” but remain a live environment that always adapts to the latest developments and experiences. I would truly like to see it succeed and expand into a community platform where people can share experiences and knowledge across Europe. The first step has been taken with the current version of SSOFT and future developments will become clear through intensive use.
About the author
André is an active National Board member of, the largest association in the Netherlands that represents the interests of people with non-congenital brain injuries, including stroke. He is also an expert on digital communication and services who advises the government and healthcare sector in the Netherlands. André has been actively involved as a Champion in the initial stages of development of SSOFT as well as a User Acceptance Tester for many of the modules contained with SSOFT.
Nov 9, 2018
In the UK, health policy recommends that stroke survivors should be reviewed at six-weeks, six-months and at one year after their stroke1,2. However, reviews are carried out differently across the UK and the process has not been properly evaluated. This study explored the review process, focusing on the six-month review. Three sites were selected in England. We interviewed stroke survivors and their carers at six-weeks, six-months, and where possible one year after coming home from hospital. We also observed their reviews and interviewed clinicians, managers and commissioners. We interviewed 46 stroke survivors, 30 carers and 28 professionals.
We found that reviews carried out by stroke nurses were focused on medical issues whereas those completed by a Stroke Association co-ordinator were more focused on social issues. Professionals usually saw the review as an opportunity to follow-up on issues that needed to be dealt with and signpost to other services. However, stroke survivors’ experience of the review was influenced by their experiences in hospital, their understanding of rehabilitation and their relationships with clinicians. They identified different priorities to those of reviewers, particularly when they had other long-term conditions.
Overall, most people found the six-month review helpful but not the six-week or the yearly review. Rather than having the review at set intervals, it would be more helpful if it coincided with coming home from hospital and after community rehabilitation has finished. Reviews need to link with what has gone before, for example, information on preventing another stroke. It would also be helpful to review therapy goals and encourage stroke survivors to set their own new goals for the next stage of their recovery.
Further information: or @vabrahamsonUoK
Full article:
Department of Health (2007). National Stroke Strategy [Online]. Available from:
Royal College of Physicians (2016). National Clinical Guidelines for Stroke. Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party. Fifth Edition [Online]. Available from:
Nov 6, 2018
Published first on
One of Australia’s biggest health issues could be checked if more people took up yoga or tai chi and reduced their blood pressure, an Australian study has found.
Stroke costs the country $5 billion a year through treatment and loss of productivity, affecting 56,000 Australians in 2017, equivalent to one stroke every nine minutes.
A paper published in Future Neurology by researchers from Monash University, the University of South Australia (UniSA) and the University of Melbourne shows the impact that mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) such as yoga and tai chi can have on reducing hypertension, fatty acids and blood sugar levels — all risk factors for stroke.
Researchers say both Eastern practices have the potential to mitigate stroke risk as well as help support stroke survivors.
UniSA Senior Lecturer in Human Movement, Dr Maarten Immink, says physical activity plays an important role in preventing recurrent stroke but many stroke survivors may have limited mobility.
“This is where yoga and tai chi are so helpful. They are gentle, movement-based MBIs which help people focus — a state of mind which stroke survivors often lose — and be active at the same time,” Dr Immink says.
The researchers analysed 26 studies published between 1985 and 2017 which examined how yoga and tai chi moderated key stroke risk factors, including blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, smoking and alcohol consumption, obesity, anxiety and depression.
UniSA Dean of Health Research, Professor Susan Hillier, says there is increasing evidence that MBIs can be an effective and noninvasive way of reducing hypertension — the biggest stroke risk factor.
“Some evidence suggests that MBIs such as yoga and tai chi regulate blood pressure by teaching people to breathe deeply, balancing and stabilising their autonomic nervous system and lowering their heart rate,” Prof Hillier says.
The stroke specialist says nearly one third of adults around the world suffer from high blood pressure, with 23 million additional strokes projected in the next 12 years.
“Survivors of stroke are at an increased risk of another one — 43 per cent likely within 10 years, 32 per cent within five years and 16 per cent within one year — so it is important we find interventions to help reduce the major risk factors,” she says.
Apart from reducing blood pressure, the research shows that MBIs can help improve diabetics’ health by increasing blood and oxygen supply to the tissues, helping to produce insulin, and boosting anti-oxidants.
Story Source: University of South Australia. “Stroke survivors and those at risk urged to focus on yoga and tai chi.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 5 November 2018. <>.