Nov 2, 2021
Europe’s largest international neuroscience conference, covering all domains in modern brain research from basic to translational research will be held in Paris between 9 and 13 July 2022.
Find out more at
Oct 26, 2021
On World Stroke Day, the World Stroke Organisation is organising several events you might want to be involved in.
It isn’t too late to register for the WSO congress 28-29 October. Arlene Wilkie, our Director General, will be speaking on the 28th. Register: here
Join the World Stroke Day panel discussion at 3pm CET: No time to waste! Saving lives and reducing disability by accelerating worldwide access to acute stroke treatment.
Every minute from the onset of stroke to treatment contributes to a loss of brain function and increases the probability of long-term impairment, disability and death. For governments, every year that goes by without action ramps up the social and economic impact of stroke.
Improving outcomes requires effort on all front but improvements are possible, even in the most challenging circumstances. This event will bring together leaders from patient, policy and industry to discuss opportunities and challenges to save #Precioustime and deliver access to quality stroke care for all.
With panel moderator Rageh Omaar, ITV Global Health Correspondent, stroke survivor and Gold Medal Olympian, Michael Johnson and Sheila Martins World Stroke Organization President-elect, World Stroke Campaign and WHO, NCD expert Slim Slama.
Register here
Save #Precioustime
Support the global drive on World Stroke Day in to raising awareness of stroke symptoms and the importance of saving #Precioustime.
Create Your Personal World Stroke Day Message with the social media post builder.
Share this video to help promote the message that acting FAST is important as minutes can save lives
Minutes Save Lives – know the signs, say its a stroke and save #Precioustime
Oct 26, 2021
SAFE and the Angels Initiative support World Stroke Day on 29 October. We recognise the importance of learning the symptoms of stroke and the importance of urgent access to appropriate medical care as minutes can save lives.
The Angels Initiative supports the provision of patient information to help patients, their families and carers understand their condition, be more actively involved in their treatment decisions and learn more about the important next steps to recovery. The materials are available in 15 languages and can be found at
The Angels Initiative is a non-commercial healthcare project dedicated to improving stroke patients’ chance of survival and living a disability-free life. The Initiative has enabled multi-disciplinary stroke teams around the world to access education, standardisation tools, consultancy, community and quality monitoring processes that enable them to act faster to minimise the burden of stroke on patients’ lives.
More information about the Save #PreciousTime campaign on World Stroke Day visit
Oct 26, 2021
Professor Martin Dichgans, Director at the Institute of Stroke and Dementia in Munich, will explain the recent challenges and opportunities in stroke research and care. It is aimed at a non-scientific audience.
This event is organised by ERA-Net and the Network of European funding for neuroscience research (NEURON).
Please register here:
Oct 26, 2021
You are invited to an EU training webinar on 29 October 2021 from 11.00 to 13.00 CEST, entitled “Stroke prevention & Life after stroke, during the Pandemic”.
To register click here.
The event is realized in the framework of the project EU PAGs & citizens together in the fight against stroke in the occasion of the World Stroke Day: we will talk about stroke prevention, and life after stroke, with concrete examples of activities and tools that can improve the lives of patients and caregivers.
The main objective is to provide an overview in order to know how to recognize and share the official sources of information to identify, recognize, and combat the main risk factors (pre-stroke) and to be aware of patients’ rights (pre and after a stroke); to discuss and address the main challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent and to live after a stroke; to be better equipped to protect rights and promote policies, at EU and local level.
Arlene Wilkie, our Director General, will be presenting at the meeting. Please join her click here.