WAKE-UP trial has a positive result!


WAKE-UP trial has a positive result!

WAKE-UP has provided a new treatment option for stroke patients if it is not known when their stroke started. Up to 20 per cent of stroke patients wake up in the morning with stroke symptoms. This means that the time when their stroke started is unknown and so they...

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WAKE-UP trial has a positive result!

What does the Stroke Support Faculty Tool (SSOFT) mean to me?

Posted on Friday May 11, 2018 by The Foundry Healthcare I am a child of immigration. Both my parents came to the UK for their education, and because of this the value and importance of education has been a strong influence in my life. I believe that education can...

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Today is European Stroke Awareness Day 2018!

Today is European Stroke Awareness Day 2018!

The Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) and its members from 30 European countries are committed to raising awareness of stroke Brussels, 8th May 2018- This May, SAFE and its members have many activities to be proud of. We have managed to successfully complete a joint...

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