Understanding how to beat fatigue after stroke


Understanding how to beat fatigue after stroke

This article first appeared on ARNI Stroke Charity (UK) website | Author: Tom Balchin Tiredness is something we all experience in our everyday lives. But fatigue is where we experience tiredness which is unrelated to physical or mental exertion, and is not alleviated...

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Your weight history may predict your heart failure risk

Your weight history may predict your heart failure risk

First published on ScienceDaily.com In a medical records analysis of information gathered on more than 6,000 people, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers conclude that simply asking older adult patients about their weight history at ages 20 and 40 could provide real...

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Optimal blood pressure treatment for stroke patients

Optimal blood pressure treatment for stroke patients

First published on ScienceDaily.com Aggressive treatment of hypertension in stroke patients could do more harm than good in the long term, according to a new study from researchers at the University of Georgia. Sixty percent of stroke patients admitted to U.S....

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