European Brain Council updates Stroke factsheet
The European Brain Council has updated its factsheet on stroke and now includes more information on rehabilitation and life after stroke. The Stroke factsheet is one of several disease specific factsheets and part of the #ILoveMyBrain initiative. Find out more...

SAFE participates in the Advocacy Exchange Open House Event on 12 August
SAFE’s Director, Arlene Wilkie will be joining the Advocacy Exchange virtual event at 4-6pm EDT. The event is the largest cross-disease advocacy initiative in healthcare, giving access to patient organisations and free resources from over 50 organisations. Hosted by...

Caring for the caregiver – life after stroke webinar – open for registration now!
We are delighted to let you know that the third in our series of free webinars on Life After Stroke: caring for the caregiver, is now open for registration https://bit.ly/3xucXqx The session looks at some of the challenging aspects posed to informal carers, and the...

Invitation to the Global Heart Hub advocacy speaker series.
Heart disease is the #1 killer of women. This is under-recognised with adverse consequences for the #diagnosis & treatment of women. Join our Inspire #Advocacy Speaker Series with Amy Friedrich-Karnik, @WomenHeartOrg, & Cecily Foster, WomenHeart Champion, on...

Stroke support during the pandemic.
A one-hour webinar on 1 July, 11.00 BST/12.00 CEST, Bridging the distance - creating stroke support during COVID-19, will look at how international stroke support organisations have delivered services during the pandemic. Join the panel, Kelvin Leong, stroke...