Participate in an important survey on medicine shortages

Participate in an important survey on medicine shortages

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) Patients’ and Consumers’ (PCWP) Healthcare Professionals’ (HCPWP) Working Parties are conducting an important survey on medicine shortages.

The purpose of this survey is to gather insight into awareness of the EU guidance on shortage prevention and feedback on the implementation plans as well as the shortage catalogues and communication to the public.

Complete this 5-minute survey on availability of medicines by Monday,31 October.


Speakers confirmed for the 3rd session of our life after stroke series on 9 November

Speakers confirmed for the 3rd session of our life after stroke series on 9 November

Juliet Bouverie (England) will be chairing this important session on physical activity.

We know that it is important that stroke survivors are active. This session will include a summary of the evidence base for physical activity after stroke, how therapists support stroke survivors to get and stay physically active. A stroke survivor will share their experiences and motivation to move more.

Juliet will be joined by:

  • Craig Pankhurst (UK)
  • Mari Gunnes (Norway)
  • Sarah Moore (UK)
  • Grethe Lunde (Norway)

The session will help to bust some common myths about physical activity and stroke, including that it is not all about sweat and lycra!

‘We should continue to develop personalised approaches that can support and empower stroke survivors to make physical activity a part of their everyday lives in the long-term.’

Mari Gunnes, Norway

We are currently seeking accreditation for this event from the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education.

Book your free place at

Open call for the Chief Operations Officer of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe

Open call for the Chief Operations Officer of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe

The European Stroke Organisation (ESO) is looking for support for the Stroke Action Plan for Europe (SAP-E) by incorporating the role of Chief Operations Officer (COO) in the leadership structure of the Steering Committee.

SAP-E is a key project that we run in partnership with ESO. It was designed by a group of stroke experts from across Europe and covers the whole stroke care pathway and sets targets for the implementation of evidence-based preventive actions and stroke services until 2030. It’s ultimate goal is to reduce the burden of stroke through the improvement of care at the national and European levels.

ESO is looking for a motivated early mid-career, academic stroke care professional who is interested in actively shaping the future of how stroke is perceived and treated within Europe. They will contribute to the success of SAP-E by supporting and driving implementation of the Stroke Action Plan in respective regional countries.

The deadline for applications is 14 November 2022.

For more information


Fatigue after stroke – experts share their knowledge at the life after stroke series event 9 November

Fatigue after stroke – experts share their knowledge at the life after stroke series event 9 November

Professor Avril Drummond (England) will be chairing the session on Fatigue after stroke – what can we do? at our European Life After Stroke series event on 9 November.

Fatigue after stroke is common and debilitating. Yet there are many unanswered questions about fatigue and how best to manage it.

Stroke survivors often say doctors do not talk to them about fatigue and many only learn much later that it is a symptom of stroke. This session will provide an overview of the topic and the important issues for both clinicians and stroke survivors.

Avril will be joined by speakers:

  • Ruth Miller, stroke survivor (England)
  • Gillian Mead, clinical academic (Scotland)
  • Anners Lerdal, clinical researcher (Norway)

Book your Free place now

How can the EU non-communicable disease (NCD) initiative Healthier Together inspire better outcomes for stroke patients?

How can the EU non-communicable disease (NCD) initiative Healthier Together inspire better outcomes for stroke patients?

To find out, join Arlene Wilkie, Director General SAFE; Valeria Caso, former ESO President; and others at the policy roundtable Driving the EU’s Non-Communicable Disease Initiative: sharing best practices and empowering equal access to stroke prevention and care on 12 October, 15.00 – 16.30 CET.

You will be able to join via Zoom. The webcast will be available in English and will be translated into French and Spanish.

Find out more at

To find out about the Stroke Action Plan for Europe check

Getting back to work after stroke – experts share their knowledge at the Life After Stroke Series Event, 9 November

Getting back to work after stroke – experts share their knowledge at the Life After Stroke Series Event, 9 November

Dr Carina Persson (Sweden) will be chairing this session on going back to work after a stroke.

This important goal may seem impossible, yet a return to professional work is possible. This session provides practical help on doing this.

Carina’s session will include an interview with stroke survivor Anders Andersson (Sweden), a presentation from Professor of Rehabilitation Research, Kate Radford (England) and an interview with Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen, Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine (Sweden), followed by a live panel discussion.

Join us and you will learn from the latest research and a stroke survivor´s experiences.’

Carina Persson, Life After Stroke Series Session 1 Chair

Book your FREE place


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