Meet the new recruits to SAFE’s team!

Meet the new recruits to SAFE’s team!

We are delighted to introduce to two new recruits to SAFE's team! Caroline is joining us as our new communications manager and Lora as our new campaigns manager. Please join us in warming welcoming them to the SAFE family. Click here to find our more!  

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Stroke Action Plan for Europe

Stroke Action Plan for Europe

SAFE recently co-hosted the Stroke Action Plan for Europe ‘kick off’ meeting with the European Stroke Organisation. The Plan 2018-2030 outlines a set of key recommendations that if implemented would improve the care and outcomes for stroke patients and stroke...

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European Life After Stroke Forum – call for abstracts

European Life After Stroke Forum – call for abstracts

Today we are launching a call for abstracts for the Ist European Life After Stroke Forum which will be held on 12 March 2021. Our conference programme covers a range of topical issues in life after stroke as well as cutting-edge developments in response to COVID-19....

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Different Strokes Online Exercise Classes for Stroke Survivors

Different Strokes Online Exercise Classes for Stroke Survivors

There is no denying it – we are living in unprecedented times. The coronavirus pandemic has turned lives upside down, prevented people from connecting with friends and family, and for many it has put plans and goals on hold. Different Strokes have recognised that...

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