Global Heart Health’s Inspire patient advocacy event 7 March 2022
Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger, Chair of the Canadian Heart Patient Alliance will share their thoughts on how to activate and engage patient groups in to collective action. Register now for your free place on Monday 7 March at 15.00 - 16.00 CET

The Essentials of Stroke Care was developed to support the implementation of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe. It is a practical tool to help help healthcare professionals improve stroke care, containing an overview of evidence-based interventions for the whole...

Self-management experts confirmed speakers for the European Life After Stroke event
Stroke survivor Scott Ballard-Ridley will be starting the morning session at our Life After Stroke event on 11 March 2022, 10.00 – 11.30 CET. He will be joined by Professor Fiona Jones (England), Dr Lisa Kidd (Scotland), Professor Hanne Palleson and Mette Brandi...

Date for your diary: Tweetchat – 21 February, 13.00 CET
Join us and our special guests, Professor Avril Drummond, Marina Charalambous, Dr Carina Persson, stroke survivor, Diana Wong-Ramos and Lesley Scobbie for our first Tweetchat on Life After Stroke. Join in the conversation by searching the hashtag #LifeAfterStrokeChat...

Speaker announcement – Professor Jean-Marie Annoni – Communication in everyday life
Professor Jean-Marie Annoni is one of four speakers at our afternoon plenary on 11 March at 15.00 CET. The session will focus on overcoming communication barriers faces by people with stroke. Stroke survivors will share their experiences. They will show that even...