Professor Avril Drummond (England) will be chairing the session on Fatigue after stroke – what can we do? at our European Life After Stroke series event on 9 November. Fatigue after stroke is common and debilitating. Yet there are many unanswered questions about...

How can the EU non-communicable disease (NCD) initiative Healthier Together inspire better outcomes for stroke patients?
To find out, join Arlene Wilkie, Director General SAFE; Valeria Caso, former ESO President; and others at the policy roundtable Driving the EU’s Non-Communicable Disease Initiative: sharing best practices and empowering equal access to stroke prevention and care on 12...

Dr Carina Persson (Sweden) will be chairing this session on going back to work after a stroke. This important goal may seem impossible, yet a return to professional work is possible. This session provides practical help on doing this. Carina’s session will include an...

Stroke survivors take centre stage at our Life After Stroke Series event, 9 November
We have three plenary sessions for our next life after stroke series that feature key issues faced by people living with stroke. Each will focus on the real-life experiences of people living with stroke on: getting back to work coping with fatigue and getting active...

Join us at the ANGIE Kick-start Programme
The ANGIE Kick-start Programme, an initiative from the ANGIE project, invites researchers, clinicians, professionals, students and entrepreneurs with an interest in personalised and precision medicine to develop new therapies based on its technology platform. ANGIE...