Dec 20, 2022
Our last free online event of 2022 held on Wednesday 9 November is now available to view on demand.
Session overview
- Getting back to work after stroke
Going back to work after a stroke is an important goal for many but may seem impossible. Yet, in spite of impairments, a return to professional work is possible. This session provides practical help on doing this.
- Fatigue after stroke – what can we do?
Fatigue after stroke is common and debilitating. Yet despite much research, there are many unanswered questions about fatigue and how best to manage it. This session provides an overview of the topic and the important issues for both clinicians and stroke survivors.
- Physical activity – getting active without sweat and lycra!
We know that it is important that stroke survivors are active. This session will include a summary of the evidence base for physical activity, how therapists support stroke survivors to get and stay physically active.
Watch any of these sessions at your leisure at
Dec 7, 2022
We are pleased to confirm speakers for the plenary sessions for our first face to face Life After Stroke Forum on Friday 10 March 2023 in Barcelona, Spain.
Programme overview
The European Life After Stroke Forum will cover the latest evidence and research in life after stroke.
The programme will build our collective knowledge in life after stroke, stimulate debate and improve the quality of life after stroke for people living with stroke in Europe.
Plenary 1
This session will highlight the importance of our focus on life after stroke. The findings of a key European report on life after stroke and plans for implementation will be presented and a project focusing on providing good life after stroke care and support will be showcased.
Speakers confirmed:
- A life saved is a life worth living, Professor Charles Wolfe, King’s College London, UK
- Life after stroke services (ABRIC) in Catalonia, Mercè Ayesta, Fundació Ictus Coordinator and Gloria Bou, stroke survivor, Spain.
Book your place by 31 December 2022 for an early bird rate at
Plenary 2
This session will present some of the challenges and solutions around secondary prevention after stroke. It will present up to date knowledge around medicines, nutrition and gadgets.
Speakers confirmed:
- Medical secondary prevention post stroke, Professor Ronan Collins, Tallaght University Hospital and Peamount Hospitals Dublin, Ireland
- Nutrition post stroke, Dr Jo Kwan, Charing Cross Hospital, Imperial College London, England
- Evidence behind wearable technology post stroke, Dr Liam Healy, Cork University Hospital, Ireland
Book your place by 31 December 2022 for early bird rates
‘There are few opportunities regarding conferences, workshops, and shared networking events for advocates and researchers in the life after stroke area of care. Also, there is limited evidence and research data in longer term management and care and stroke survivors often feel abandoned after rehabilitation stops. This conference with stimulate debate and ultimately improve life after stroke.’ Avril Drummond, Chair, European Life After Stroke Forum
Parallel sessions
In addition, we will hold parallel sessions which include the following topics – driving, mental health, sex and intimacy, empowering stroke survivors and good stroke care. The parallels will be presented in different formats; a debate, fishbowl format, workshops and lectures. We will also showcase the highest scoring abstracts.
For more information visit
Nov 29, 2022
The first European Life After Stroke Forum will be in Barcelona, Spain on Friday 10 March 2023. The Forum is the place to find the latest evidence and research in life after stroke.
About the Forum
The Forum’s aim is to build the life after stroke healthcare, research and patient community, stimulate debate and build our collective knowledge in life after stroke.
Our ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life after stroke for the nine million people living with stroke in Europe.
Abstract submission
We are now seeking abstracts for the Forum, giving those interested an opportunity to present either a 10-minute oral presentation or a poster presentation.
We are looking for applications in two areas:
- Scientific applications: for completed or ongoing trials and studies in the broad area of life after stroke
- Grab and Steal: to share experiences of service developments in life after stroke where these original ideas and innovative practices could be used by others.
You have until 10 January 2023 to submit your abstract and we look forward to receiving your submissions.
Find out more
Abstracts will be reviewed and all submissions will receive their notification letter by Friday 10 February 2023.
Nov 29, 2022
The Precious (Prevention of complications to improve outcome in elderly patients with acute stroke) research project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 634809), ends at the end of November 2022.
The research began in June 2015 to find out if off-the-shelf treatments could reduce complications in older patients suffering from acute stroke and ultimately reduce lives lost to stroke and improve quality of life.
By the end of the clinical trial, almost 1500 stroke patients participated in the research across nine European countries. Researchers are now analysing the results which are hoping to be published in 2023.
Last year, SAFE interviewed Dr Bart van der Worp, UMC Utrecht, Netherlands, project coordinator about the research for Brain Awareness Week, read the interview here
Now, as the research closes, SAFE follows up with Bart for an update:
SAFE: What are you hoping the Precious research will show?
Bart: We hope that the analysis of the patient data will reveal answers to the following questions:
- If we are able to prevent infections and fever in the first four days after stroke with simple, safe, and inexpensive drugs, will this reduce the risk of death or dependency after stroke; improve quality of life; and reduce the length of hospital admission and healthcare costs?
- Does the prevention of vomiting with a simple and safe anti-emetic drug reduce the risk of pneumonia?
- Does the pain killer paracetamol also reduce blood pressure after stroke?
- Are there differences between countries in treatment restrictions after stroke, such as do-not-resuscitate orders, and do these restrictions increase the risk of death?
SAFE: When are you hoping to have the results of the trial?
Bart: The investigators across the nine participating countries are currently completing follow-up and collecting the most recent patient data. Analysis of the most important data will be completed by the end of this year, and we hope to present the main trial results at the European Stroke Organisation Conference in May 2023.
For more information visit
Nov 15, 2022
We are pleased to announce that our first in person European Life After Stroke Forum is now open for registration and abstract submission.
The European Life After Stroke Forum, 10 March 2023, Barcelona, Spain, is the place to find the latest evidence and research in this neglected area of stroke care.
About the Forum
The Forum’s aim is to build the life after stroke healthcare, research and patient community, stimulate debate and build our collective knowledge in life after stroke.
Our ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life after stroke for the nine million people living with stroke in Europe.
Register before the end of the year to benefit from our early bird rates. Book your place here
Programme overview
Our forum programme covers a range of topical issues in life after stroke and will include keynote presentations by eminent speakers supplemented by contributed talks and a poster session.
See our initial programme at
Abstract submission
We are now seeking abstracts for the Forum, giving those interested an opportunity to present either a 10-minute oral presentation or a poster presentation.
We are looking for applications in two areas:
- Scientific applications: for completed or ongoing trials and studies in the broad area of life after stroke.
- Grab and Steal: to share experiences of service developments in life after stroke where these original ideas and innovative practices could be used by others.
You have until 10 January 2023 to submit your abstract and we look forward to receiving your submissions. Find out more
Abstracts will be reviewed and all submissions will receive their notification letter by Friday 10 February 2023.
Hotel bookings
The Forum will be held at the Hotel Catalonia Barcelona Plaza. The hotel will offer delegate accommodation at €140 per night. To book, please email and provide your name, your check-in and check-out dates, and mention the name of our event , ELASF2023.
Other accommodation can be found here
Key dates
31 December Early bird rates end
10 January Deadline for abstract submission
10 February Abstract notification
Nov 15, 2022
Estonia has signed the Stroke Action Plan for Europe Declaration, committing to improving stroke services across the entire chain of care.
We congratulate them in taking a step towards the full implementation of the Stroke Action Plan For Europe.
Find out more at