Call for abstracts for the 2024 European Life After Stroke Forum

Call for abstracts for the 2024 European Life After Stroke Forum

The European Life After Stroke Forum (ELASF) brings together people from a research, policy, advocacy and support perspective with people who have lived experience of stroke, to share and discuss research and best practice in life after stroke.

We are now seeking abstracts for the 2nd ELASF, for the opportunity to present either a ten-minute oral presentation or a poster presentation.

Abstracts may be submitted for two presentation types:
Scientific: We are looking for scientific abstracts that may be for either completed or ongoing trials and studies, in the broad area of life after stroke.
Services: We are also looking for abstracts that shares experiences of service developments in life after stroke with the view that these  original ideas and innovative practices can be used by others.

Please submit your abstract here – the deadline for submissions is 2 November 2023.

Our European Life After Stroke Forum event website is now LIVE

Our European Life After Stroke Forum event website is now LIVE

We are pleased to announce that our second in-person European Life After Stroke event website is now live, click here to view. Our registration and abstract submissions are also live.

Our Scientific Committee are in the process of confirming the final programme. Topics that we are likely to include are detailed below, but may be subject to change:

  • What does a ‘good’ life after stroke look like?
  • Reducing your risk of another stroke
  • Practical tips to promote mental health
  • Specific topics; managing fatigue and visual problems after stroke

We hope to see you in Dublin on the 11-12 March 2024!

The Stroke Action Plan for Europe launched at 2nd EU Stroke Summit

The Stroke Action Plan for Europe launched at 2nd EU Stroke Summit

The Stroke Action Plan for Europe 2018-2030 was launched today in the EU Parliament within the 2nd Stroke Summit.

Last year, in May 2017, SAFE launched the Burden of Stroke Report which unveiled shocking disparities between and within European countries along the entire stroke care pathway. In order to take action, SAFE and the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) decided to formalise their partnership which has led, after extensive consultation and tireless work, to the creation of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe 2018-2030.

This document sets important targets covering seven key pillars, from primary prevention to life after stroke. The report was launched today at the 2nd Stroke Summit in the European Parliament in front of around 70 key stakeholders including patients, healthcare professionals and policy-makers. The event was co-hosted by MEP Elena Gentile (S&D, IT), who showed her support to stroke survivors and stroke-related issues across Europe.

All the speakers welcomed the Stroke Action Plan and saluted the effort made by SAFE and ESO in making the Stroke Action Plan for Europe possible. It provides a clear road map and outlines recommendations and targets for 2030 so that all relevant stakeholders take action to improve the stroke care pathway and reverse the current trends.

Currently, an increase of 34% in the absolute number of strokes is expected by 2035 in Europe, along with a 45% increase in the number of stroke deaths, and a 25% increase in the number of survivors living with the long-lasting effects of stroke. Action needs to be taken to prevent stroke more efficiently, provide timely and adequate treatment and rehabilitation to those who need it, and last but not the least, to improve the lives of stroke survivors and their families across Europe by providing the right level of support in their Life After Stroke. (more…)

Stroke Medical Experts and Stroke Advocates Present a Joint Plan to Combat Stroke

Stroke Medical Experts and Stroke Advocates Present a Joint Plan to Combat Stroke

Stroke Action Plan for Europe 2018-2030

Basel and Brussels, 11 May 2018 – Just one year after signing a Memorandum of Understanding, the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) and the Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) are proud to present the “The Stroke Action Plan for Europe 2018-2030”, with the aim of significantly improving stroke care and Life after Stroke for the millions of people expected to have strokes over the next 12 years.

ESO and SAFE will present the Stroke Action Plan for Europe to the medical world for the first time in a joint session at ESOC in Gothenburg on Thursday, 17 May. In addition to speakers from ESO and SAFE, the World Health Organisation (WHO) perspective on Joining Forces in Combating Stroke in Europe will be presented. (more…)

Action Plan for Stroke in Europe 2018-2030: The draft document now open for comments

Action Plan for Stroke in Europe 2018-2030: The draft document now open for comments

On behalf of the Action Plan Steering Committee, we cordially invite you to contribute with your valuable comments & input on the Action Plan for Stroke in Europe Document.

Please click here to comment on the seven domains and the translational research priorities. The platform is opened until 11 March 2018.

Please click here to follow the instruction on google Drive for commenting.

We would like to encourage as many people as possible to get involved and help SAFE and ESO in shaping up recommendations for stroke prevention, treatment and rehabilitation from 2018 to 2035.


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