SAFE’s Annual General Assembly took place at the Sheraton Porto Hotel, in Porto, Portugal, 29 November 2019.
The following matters were approved:
- The minutes of the General Assembly 2018
- The annual report and accounts 2018-19
- The new articles of association
New members
We welcomed two new full members:
- The Ukrainian Anti-Stroke Association
- Mozdani Val (a Croatian association for better quality of life after stroke).
And we welcomed The Turkish Cerebrovascular Diseases Society as an associate member.
Board elections
We welcome three new Board members:
- Derya Uluduz, Beyinder (Turkey)
- Hrvoje Jurlina, Croatian Stroke Society
- Dmytro Gulyayev, Ukrainian Anti-Stroke Organisation
We would also like to welcome back three Board members who were standing for re-election:
- Anita Arsovska, Macedonian organisation for a fight against stroke
- Ivan Milojevic, Udruzenji Mozdaniudar (Serbia)
- Pnina Rosenzweig, Neeman Stroke Survivors Organisation (Israel)
We had two officer vacancies and the following board members elected:
- Anita Arsovska as Vice president
- Marina Charalambous as Secretary
Please see Board members page for more information about our Board.
Other business
Markus Wagner, from the German Stroke Foundation Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hilfe, stepped down from the Board after being involved with SAFE from its conception in 2004. SAFE thanked Markus for his involvement and he was presented with a gift to mark his achievements.