If you missed our virtual event in March, you can now watch both plenaries at your leisure at our European Life After Stroke website www.elasf.org https://www.elasf.org/resource-centre/

Our next event will be on 9 November 2022. For the latest updates and more information on our Life After Stroke series, sign up to our enewsletter

Thank you for the excellent presentations including stroke survivors stories/experiences. I will definitely be aiming to embed some of these thoughts into my practise to empower my patients to be equipped for self-management in order to give them quality of life as stroke survivors.

Event participant, Plenary 1, Life After Stroke: Be inspired and share control – the added value of self-management

Thank you so much for such an interesting presentation. It was particularly interesting to hear from ‘expert witnesses’ and real- life experience of challenges and coping strategies.

Event participant, Plenary 2, Life after stroke: Communication in everyday life

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