Author: Anna Tsiakiri, PhD, Psychologist from the Greek stroke support organisation, Hellenic Alliance for Stroke

This weekend, the Hellenic Alliance for Stroke in cooperation with the Hellenic Neurological Society, Postgraduate Program “Stroke” of Democritus University of Thrace, Hellenic Society of Cerebrovascular Diseases, Department of Educational and Social Policy of Macedonia University co-organized a two-day scientific event on 19th & 20th October 2019.

The scientific part of the event consisted of lectures from distinguished speakers specialised in Stroke, both in terms of medical care and rehabilitation.

The informative event, that was addressed to general public, aimed to provide useful information about preventing Stroke- how to recognize stroke symptoms, how we should react. A special tribute was made to stroke survivors.

The theatrical group of students of Democritus University has prepared a performance in order to raise awareness of stroke prevention, while HOPA/FAST heroes presented their great work in different parts of Greece.

Hellenic Alliance for Stroke presented their activities and the role of SAFE.

Finally, the event was closed with a Latin performance.

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