On October 4-6, 2019, the 5th National Congress with international participation of the Bulgarian Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics was held in Sofia, Bulgaria.

An excellent scientific meeting organized by Acad. Prof. Ekaterina Titianova, provided the opportunity to hear the latest update in stroke treatment and application of Neurosonology, exchange ideas and establish platform for mutual collaboration. The added value was the charming exhibition of the art work of stroke survivors and patients with other brain impairments, highlighting the importance of the life after stroke domain. It was a great example of joined forces of professionals and survivors in the fight against stroke.

The congress was multidisciplinary and integrating the interests of different specialists – neurologists, neurosurgeons, angiologists, interventional specialists, etc. Over 180 delegates from Austria, Bulgaria, Israel, Italy, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia and Spain, students in medicine, nursing, kinesitherapy, medical rehabilitation and ergotherapy from various medical universities, National Vasil Levski Sports Academy and universities in North Macedonia.

The forum was dedicated to the latest developments in ultrasound diagnostics of the nervous system with a focus on stroke, which continues to be the second cause of death in Bulgaria.

Within the international symposium Prof. Anita Arsovska from North Macedonia, who is also a SAFE Board member gave a presentation on “Optimal management of high risk asymptomatic carotid stenosis”.

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